Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    02/17/2021  02:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Montserrat Ledo

Location of meeting:    Zoom Virtual Platform

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/21/2020


Members Present:

Alamo, Ana (Teacher / EESAC Chairperson)
Dettmer, Elvira Flores (Parent)
Fajardo, Natalia (Parent)
Feiler, Mark (Business / Community Rep)
Harrison, Naomi (Business / Community Rep)
Ledo, Montserrat (Teacher)
Menendez, Lourdes (Teacher / UTD)
Riambau, Alejandra (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

Avaria, Carolina (Parent)
Calvo, Tamara (Educational Support Employee)
Diaz-Blanco, Alina (Principal)
Feiler, Mylene (Teacher)
Garrido, Vanessa (Parent)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Diaz, Felicia (Assistant Principal)
Bautte, Luisa (Alternate Business / Community Rep)
Famadas, Nelson (Alternate Parent)
Martin, Onelio (Alternate Educational Support Employee)
Rodriguez, Deanna (Alternate Teacher)
Taracido, Kevin (Alternate Teacher)

Topics Covered:

I. Agenda
• Approval of minutes from prior EESAC meeting on November 17, 2020
• School Improvement Plan: Mid-year Review 2020-2021
• School Improvement Plan: Waivers & Secondary School Reform
• EESAC Budget
• PTSA Update
• New Business

II. Call to Order
Ms. Ana Alamo, EESCA Chairperson, called the EESAC Committee meeting to order at 2:30pm on February 17, 2021, at International Studies Preparatory Academy at Gables (ISPA).

III. Roll Call
Introduction of New Parent/Teacher/Student Members
a. Present Members
Alamo, Ana (Teacher / EESAC Chairperson)
Dettmer, Elvira Flores (Parent)
Fajardo, Natalia (Parent)
Feiler, Mark (Business / Community Rep)
Harrison, Naomi (Business / Community Rep)
Ledo, Montserrat (Teacher)
Menendez, Lourdes (Teacher / UTD)
Riambau, Alejandra (Student)

b. Absent Members (Excused Absence)
Avaria, Carolina (Parent)
Calvo, Tamara (Educational Support Employee)
Diaz-Blanco, Alina (Principal)
Feiler, Mylene (Teacher)
Garrido, Vanessa (Parent)

c. Others Present
Diaz, Felicia (Assistant Principal)
Bautte, Luisa (Alternate Business / Community Rep)
Famadas, Nelson (Alternate Parent)
Martin, Onelio (Alternate Educational Support Employee)
Rodriguez, Deanna (Alternate Teacher)
Taracido, Kevin (Alternate Teacher)

IV. Approval of Minutes from November 17, 2020
- Mr. Feiler made a motion to approve the minutes, and Ms. Riambau seconded the motion.
- Minutes from November 17, 2020 were approved unanimously.

V. School Improvement Plan: Mid-Year Review 2020-2021
- Ms. Diaz explained Phase III and IV of the SIP had been completed. Classroom Walkthroughs were conducted, with an emphasis on SIP goals and objectives.
- Administrative Walkthroughs will be ongoing, as well as data chats with teachers.
- Cross curricular planning will continue to take place during PLST meetings, as well as continue to be an area of focus for the school year.
- Use of Collaboration Site to increase communication and collaboration will continue.
- Teachers receive data updates from administration based on POWER BI and Performance Matters reports.
- ISPA has ranked in the top 1/3 of scores in English, Algebra 1, and Geometry.

VI. School Improvement Plan: Waivers & Secondary School Reform
- Dr. Blanco discussed the Eight period day and Block Schedule currently in place at the school.
- This schedule is crucial for the school’s academic program and required additional language courses that the students take.
- Dr. Blanco discussed Block Schedule.
-The faculty will be voting for their preference at the next faculty meeting on February 23, 2021.
- Mr. Feiler made a motion to recommend the approval of the faculty’s preference for both block schedule and the number of periods in day. Ms. Diaz seconded the motion.
- The motion was passed unanimously.

- At the previous meeting, EESAC members unanimously voted to transfer $1500 to EESAC Internal Funds to allow for small purchase. The current balance is $4290.
- At the moment, the school is able to cover all teacher needs with school funds. EESAC funds can be transferred from year to year.
- With the current situation, it is recommended the remaining EESAC funds not be used and left for the following school year.
- Ms. Baute made a motion to leave the current balance of $4290 to be transferred to the following school year, 2021-2022. Ms. Riambau seconded the motion.
- The motion passed unanimously.

- A new PTSA Board was elected for the 2021-2022 school year.
- Most are current 9th grade parent and the new PTSA parent is a returning ISPA parent.
- The new board is currently being trained by the existing board.

IX. New Business
- There was no new business to be discussed at this time.

X. Adjournment
- Mr. Feiler moved to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Harrison seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:20pm.