Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

6611 Country Club Middle School

Pending EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    05/21/2019  08:05 AM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Elda Estrada

Location of meeting:    Country Club Middle School

Was a quorum established?    No

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/15/2018


Members Present:

Lima, Cynthia (Principal)
VIillazon, Jacqueline (Alternate Principal)
Curry-Coffee, Nicole (Union Steward)
Karan-Miyar, Duysevi (Teacher)
Mohammad, Ahmed (Teacher)
ALI, SAUDIA (Parent)
Estrada, Elda (Alternate Parent)
RIVAS, MARIA (Business/Community Representative)
RODRIGUEZ, EVELYN (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Cannon, Claudette (Teacher)
Leon, Michelle (Teacher)
Phillips-Ingraham, Tawana (Teacher)
Martin, Myra (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Javed, Elba (Educational Support Employee)
Pino, Marisol (Alternate Educational Support)
Estrada, Daniel (Alternate Student)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

SEDENO, EDDY (Business/Community Representative)

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

Meeting called to order at 8:04am
Informational Meeting
No motions were voted on

Ms. Karan-Miyar
Approval of Minutes
Minutes Approved, No Corrections.

Principal Updates
Ms. Cynthia Lima

This is our last meeting of the year. We are on day 15 of testing. We are on schedule. Attendance continues to be our weak area. We need to see what works for our school to help bring up attendance. We need to brainstorm on how we can increase attendance.

Title 1: We were allocated less money than last year. Last year we received more funds because they gave the exact Title 1 funds that the school allocated.

Synergy: we have already allocated three teachers to attend Synergy this summer. Ms. Picado, Ms. Albert, Mr. Fabal.

Parent and Family Engagement Updates:
Ms. Dominguez- Community Involvement Specialist

Parent Surveys, we are trying to increase parent involvement, asking the parents to complete the surveys online.

Family Engagement Plan has been updated.

Student Updates:
Getting ready for the end of the year. Testing, making sure that grades are up to date. Prom was successful. Jordyn, early in the school year something happened and I liked how it was handled because it did not happen again.

Parent Updates:
Ms. Saudia Ali, commented; overall I thought the school year was very successful, there are some concerns that I do have. I think mostly towards the end of the school year, as an 8th grade parent. There was a conflict with the scheduling. For example, there was testing when they had their Graduation trip. Also, 8th grade activities were not given notice with enough time to plan. I would love to come back just to volunteer, I really hope that the school gets a PTSA, it would be great for the school. In regards to graduation, we are only given 2 tickets per student. Maybe another location next year would be great in order to be able to invite more family members.

Ms. Karan-Miyar

We need to complete/review the end of year Assurances checklist like we have to do every year and upload into the system. We have to have at least 4 EESAC meetings throughout the 2018-2019 school year. All EESAC Meetings were advertised, the EESAC roster and by-laws were reviewed and updated, the Principal and EESAC Chair verified the EESAC roster on or before September 21, all EESAC agendas, including the monitoring and implementation of SIP, the EESAC reviewed and approved the 2018-2019 school improvement process, the EESAC insured that a Quorum was established on all meetings when a vote was conducted. All EESAC meetings have been posted to the OSI website containing language to support the monitoring of the school improvement plan process. All EESAC minutes were approved by EESAC. All meetings have been approved by the Principal. The EESAC reviewed and approved the mid-year phase of the SIP. The EESAC shared, reviewed and approved the outcome of SIP via the end of the year SIP reviewing process, which Ms. Villazon is going to go through. If everyone is in agreement We are going to submit the assurance checklist with Ms. Lima and my signature. We are in compliance with all procedures and policies

Ms. Curry Coffee- Congratulations
Project Citizen-Our CCMS students are going to state finals this year.

School Improvement Plan:
Ms. Jacqueline Villazon

For many years the SIP always had the same format. This year the district tailored it more to the individual needs of the school, creating their own template. There are two things that we focused on for this years SIP, 1. was the culture of our school, we looked at the results of the panorama survey as well as school climate survey to help us see how kids felt in school. We have a great team together that helps students with any concerns, even students that don't feel well in school, because of personal family issues, etc. We try to make kids more involved in the school, our EESAC students, the students involved with student council. Our students know that we have an open door policy. Kids are feeling that their voices are being heard and that is part of the school improvement process. The second thing was data. We looked at last years data, we went up 32 points which is phenomenal, we are 29 points away from a "B" grade. We have Saturday school, science camps, algebra camps, civic camps, intervention. This year we targeted science because we did go down 6 percentage points last year. We created a course called Science Research where a group of 8th grade students were selected to take this class in order to focus on 6th and 7th grade benchmarks to better prepare them for the exam. We have a 2 day in house science camp, which we didn't have last year, and tutoring. We will continue to focus on Science as we close out phase 4 of the SIP.

Ms. Karan-Miyar:
Eighth grade picnic is coming up soon on May 31. Our school band will be performing tomorrow May 22, please come out and support Mr. Uban. The dance team will be performing May 29. Our GEMS club event was very successful, we would like to thank Ms. Stephen and Ms. McGraw for their hard work . Early release days are the last 3 days of school, dismissal is at 2:40pm. No book bags after May 31.

Meeting adjourned at 8:47am