Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7151 Homestead Senior High School


School Name Homestead Senior High School Location # 7151  

The bylaws for this school were last modified on Mar. 28, 2023.

The bylaws are as follows:


The purpose of the Homestead Senior High School Education Excellence School Advisory Council (EESAC) is to improve the overall quality of instructional delivery and program in order to maximize student achievement. The EESAC is the sole advisory committee responsible for developing and making final recommendations relating to the development and implementation of the School improvement Plan (SIP), but not be limited to curriculum, budget, discipline, professional development, technology, instructional materials, staffing, and student support services (UTD/M-DCPS Contract, 2006-2009 Article XXVI, Section 5, pg 192). Within this context, the EESAC is committed to the following goals:

1. To foster an environment of professional collaboration among all education stakeholders.

2. To assist in the preparation and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan.

3. To address all state and district goals and periodically review the School Improvement Plan and amend as needed.

4. To serve as the appropriate forum for authentic and representative input from all education professionals, parents, students, business community, and interest citizens.

5. To ensure the continued existence of participatory, consensus- building process on all issues related to the school’s instructional program.


1. Composition

The Homestead Senior High School Education Advisory Council (EESAC) shall consist of five (5) teachers, six (6) parents - a parent representing each grade level, one ESOL, one ESE – one (1) student, one (1) education support employee, two (2) business/community representatives, the designated UTD steward, and the principal. The principal shall appoint a designee to attend the EESAC meetings in his/her absence. The designee will have a voting power. With the exception of the principal, the designated UTD steward, and the business/community representatives, all other members shall be elected by their constituent groups. Teachers, parents,... students, and education support employees shall also elect an alternate representative. The EESAC shall be representative of the ethnic, racial, and linguistic community served by Homestead Senior High School.

2. Eligibility

All teachers, student services personnel, and media specialist employed by the school are eligible to be elected teacher representatives to EESAC. All other persons employed by the school, including paraprofessionals, and those who are not defined as instructional or administrative personnel and whose duties require twenty (20) or more hours in each normal working week are eligible to be elected education support employee representatives. All parents, guardians, or significant others responsible for a child enrolled in Homestead Senior High School are eligible to be elected as parent representative, with the exception of parents who are also employed by Miami-Dade County Public Schools/ Homestead Senior High School.

3. Terms

The term of office shall be from July 1st through June 30th, with the exception of teachers, who will be elected every three years. If vacancies occur within the EESAC before the end of their terms, their respective groups will elect replacement.

4. Responsibilities

EESAC members are expected to:
(a) attend all regular and special meetings and to provide an explanation for absences(s) to Chair via written correspondence;
(b) communicate with constituents to collect data and opinions for decision-making ;
(c) report to constituents the actions taken by the EESAC;
(d) consider the needs of all students when making decisions;
(e) and any member who has two consecutive unexcused absences from EESAC meetings shall be considered to have resigned. The Chair will notify the member via written correspondence before the next EESAC meeting of his or her resignation from the committee. Upon approval from EESAC, the member shall be replaced following election/selection procedures as stated in the bylaws.


EESAC members representing teachers, education support employees, and parents shall be elected by their respective peer groups in the following manner:

(a) Teachers: nominated and elected in faculty meeting for a three-year term as per the M-DCPS/UTD Contract.
(b) Parents: nominated and elected by parents on an annual basis via EESAC/PTSA meetings.

(c) Students: the President of the Student Council or member designated by the Council will assume the student representative role on the EESAC.

(d) Education Support: nominated and elected by the Education Support staff.

(e) Business Representative: appointed by the principal.

(f) Vacancies arising will be filled by a special election of the EESAC. Officers of the Council shall be elected by the EESAC for a one (1) year term, with exception of a teacher whose term last three years.

(g) The UTD designated steward may designate an alternate to attend the meetings and act in his/her behalf with the capacity to vote.

(h) A member of ESSAC, not the alternates, shall be elected to serve as chairperson at the first regular meeting of the new school year. This person shall be elected by the majority of members present. The term of the chairperson will be three years for a teacher representation and one year for other representatives.

(i) EESAC By-laws will be reviewed annually and periodically by all committee members.

The school shall give proper notice of the election of ESSAC members in accordance with Florida State Sunshine Laws. The school shall also make its best effort to hold elections for constituent groups during hours that are convenient for constituent groups.


All meetings shall be held at a time that is convenient for parents, students, teachers, and business community representatives. The regular meeting of the Council shall be held monthly in the Media Center of Homestead Senior High at a time determined by the Council at the beginning of the first EESAC meeting.

(1) Special Meetings

In the event that a special meeting is needed, the principal, chairperson, or a majority of EESAC members may call a meeting. If a member is unable to attend the special meeting, he or she will automatically be excused due to this impromptu arrangement by the committee.

(2) Cancellation of Meetings

In the event that a regular scheduled meeting needs to be canceled due to an emergency or extenuating circumstances, the principal, chairperson, or a majority of EESAC members may cancel a meeting.

(3) Scheduling of Meetings

All meetings shall be scheduled in compliance with the Florida State Sunshine Laws. All meetings shall be open to the public and shall not be held in any facility or location which discriminates on the basis of sex, age, race, creed, color, origin, or economic status or which operates in such a manner as to unreasonably restrict access to such facility.


In order for the EESAC to conduct business, a quorum must be present; therefore, the 50% +1 Rule must be applicable. A majority of the voting members of EESAC shall constitute a quorum. The quorum must include teacher and parent representatives, as well as the principal or his designee and the UTD steward or his/her designee. A quorum must be present before a vote may be taken (a UTD Steward’s and the principal designees can vote on an item). The UTD steward and the principal will notify the Chair in writing before the first meeting who the designees are.


(1) The Chairperson shall prepare and distribute the agenda for all regular and special meetings. All EESAC members must receive at least 3-days’ advance notice in writing of any matter that is scheduled to come before the EESAC for a vote.

(2) EESAC members may add items to any regular meeting by contacting the Chairperson five (5) days in advance of the scheduled meeting.

(3) Non-EESAC members may propose an agenda item by contacting the Chairperson five (5) days in advance of the meeting.

(4) The agenda may be amended at the meeting by a majority vote by EESAC committee members.

G. DECISION MAKING BY MAJORITY VOTE The primary method of decision making shall be by consensus. For example, all members must agree on an item.

Minutes shall be kept for all meetings of the EESAC. A single rough draft of the pending minutes will be allowed at one time. Copies of the approved minutes for every meeting shall be maintained by the school as a public record and an electronic copy will be posted on the Internet. Once the approved minutes have been posted to the official website, no new revisions or alternate versions of the minutes can be submitted unless the documents have been approved by the EESAC committee members.

The minutes shall include the names of those in attendance and any actions taken by the EESAC. The minutes shall be approved at the next regular meeting of the EESAC with an official copy kept on file with the ESSAC secretary, with an additional copy mailed or distributed to each member of the EESAC and a copy to be posted on the UTD bulletin Board. The minutes of EESAC council meetings, once approved by the EESAC, will be posted on the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Website (


A non-Council member who is in attendance shall be given the opportunity to speak on issues under consideration or on any items on the agenda. Non-EESAC members will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes to speak. If a member asks a clarifying question, additional two (2) will be allowed.

Committees may be formed at the discretion of the council. Temporary committees may be formed to conduct specific business or inquiries. Participation on these committees is voluntary. The Committees are expected to report back to the Council at the earliest available opportunity.

These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a 2/3 vote of the EESAC membership provided that at least five working days written notice of the proposed change has been given to all members of the council. Amendments or changes must be submitted in writing to the chairperson. The chairperson will place the discussion of the amendment on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting and provide written copies of the amendment for all members.