P R O J E C T    R I S E
R e w a r d s   a n d   I n c e n t i v e s   f o r 
S c h o o l   E d u c a t o r s




Project RISE - Rewards and Incentives for School Educators is an innovative initiative designed to increase teacher and principal effectiveness in high-need schools through incentives and support, which will result in increased student achievement.  This comprehensive approach will enable targeted schools to improve student achievement so that increasing numbers of teachers and administrators qualify for existing local and state performance-based compensation systems which will be sustained following the conclusion of the grant period.

Thirty-six (36) high-need Miami-Dade County Public Schools PreK-12) will participate in this pilot program.  Project design is the result of input from teachers, assistant principals, principals, district administrators, union representatives, state education officials, parents groups, community and business partners, national foundations, and an external evaluator.