Educational Excellence School Advisory Council |
7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy
Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for: 12/02/2010 04:10 PM
Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.
Recording Secretary: Marisol Restrepo
Location of meeting: Koubek Center - 2705 SW 3rd Avenue - Room K-1
Was a quorum established? Yes
Was the meeting advertised? Yes, 10/15/2010
Members Present:
Perez, Alejandro (Principal)
Iglesias, Caridad (Teacher)
Johnson, Kimberly (Teacher)
Marin-Restrepo, Marisol (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Deanna (Teacher)
Conto, Anne (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Calvo, Tamara (Educational Support Employee)
Gari, Mariano (Alternate Educational Support)
Bustamante, Rocio (Parent)
Ferre, Helen (Parent)
Gimenez-Zapiola, Fernando (Parent)
Luque, Thais (Parent)
Parchment, Samantha (Alternate Parent)
Kassner, Samantha (Student)
Gimenez-Zapiola, Camila (Alternate Student)
Arias, Ulises (Business/Community Representative)
Chao, Pablo (Business/Community Representative)
Members Absent (Excused):
Ulises Arias, Business Representative
Thais Luque, Parent
Helen Ferre, ParentMembers Absent (Unexcused):
No one had an unexcused absence.
Others Present:
No one else was present.
Topics Covered:
International Studies Preparatory Academy (ISPA)
EESAC Minutes
December 2, 2010
Attendees: Mr. Perez, Mrs. Iglesias, Mrs. Calvo, Ms. Rodriguez, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Hernandez, Mrs. Marin-Restrepo, Mr. Chao, Mr. Gimenez, Mrs. Bustamante, and Samantha Kassner.
Mr. Perez Introduction:
Mr. Chao, Director of Koubek Center was welcomed as new member of the committee.
Approval of minutes from prior EESAC meeting
School Improvement Plan Update
Midyear Review will take place in January 2011
Construction of new ISPA building has already started
Regarding transportation for students next year, a shuttle bus from the nearest metro-rail station will be doing continuous rounds to school.
Shuttle will by picking up students in South Miami metro-rail station approximately from 6:40 to 7:20 AM.
It is expected that half of students will use metro rail services and the other half will be dropped off by their parents.
We will have some small private buses too.
ISPA will be a non-driving school. No parking will be available for students
Mr. Perez continued:
So far, we have 163 applicants for next year. Approximately, five students are applying per day.
July 1st, 2011 is the target date to move to the new building.
The new schools logo was presented to the committee, which includes the colors of the school: green, blue, and red.
The goal is to have 150 students next year.
Mr. Gimenez:
How many would there be in each group?
Mr. Perez:
There will be about 100 students in the Spanish program, 25 in the French program, and 25 in the Italian program.
Possibly, there will be an open house for parents in August 2011.
Mrs. Johnson:
What about offering pre-AP courses?
Mr. Perez:
Yes, our goal is to offer in 10th grade Pre-AP Language Arts and AP European History.
During 11th grade, we want to offer AP Biology.
Mrs. Johnson:
Are we going to offer tutoring after school?
Mr. Perez:
No, we are not doing that yet.
Mr. Gimenez:
It would be nice to have a class on Study Techniques to teach students how to study efficiently.
Mr. Perez:
Maybe, during the summer we could offer some activity to address study skills.
Mr. Gimenez to student Samantha Kassner:
Do you think you have too much homework?
Well, it is tedious but not too hard.
Mr. Gimenez:
Suggested teachers to announce home assignments with more time ahead and possibly giving less homework.
Mrs. Iglesias:
We have to follow the Pacing Guide.
Mrs. Marin-Restrepo:
Concurred with Ms. Iglesias and explained the Pacing guide with the parents.
Mr. Perez:
Advised committee of the next EESAC meeting in January 2011.
Possibly in March, we will take the students to see construction of the new school.
Mrs. Iglesias:
Notified Andrea Villa won a scholarship in Spanish
Explained the PSAT scores are coming soon.
High scores were received in the Fairchild Challenge
During summer of 11th grade, it would be great to take students to visit the country of the language they chose: Spain, France, or Italy.
Would like to make a Time Capsule of these students to have a memory in the new building.
Mr. Perez:
Discussed the possibility of creating a capsule and expressed his support of the idea..
Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:00 p.m.