Educational Excellence School Advisory Council |
7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy
Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for: 04/21/2011 04:20 PM
Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.
Recording Secretary: Marisol Marin-Restrepo
Location of meeting: Koubek Center, 2705 SW 3rd Street, Miami, Florida 33135
Was a quorum established? Yes
Was the meeting advertised? Yes, 03/21/2011
Members Present:
Perez, Alejandro (Principal)
Iglesias, Caridad (Teacher)
Johnson, Kimberly (Teacher)
Marin-Restrepo, Marisol (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Deanna (Teacher)
Conto, Anne (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Calvo, Tamara (Educational Support Employee)
Gari, Mariano (Alternate Educational Support)
Bustamante, Rocio (Parent)
Ferre, Helen (Parent)
Gimenez-Zapiola, Fernando (Parent)
Luque, Thais (Parent)
Parchment, Samantha (Alternate Parent)
Kassner, Samantha (Student)
Gimenez-Zapiola, Camila (Alternate Student)
Arias, Ulises (Business/Community Representative)
Chao, Pablo (Business/Community Representative)
Members Absent (Excused):
Rocio Bustamente
Helen Ferre
Samantha Parchment
Ulises Arias
Fernando GimenezMembers Absent (Unexcused):
No one had an unexcused absence.
Others Present:
No one else was present.
Topics Covered:
International Studies Preparatory Academy at Gables (ISPA)
EESAC Minutes
Attendees: Mr. Perez, Mrs. Iglesias, Mrs. Rodriguez, Mrs. Marin-Restrepo, Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Suarez, Mrs. Luque, Ms. Calvo, Dr. Pablo Chao.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
• Motion to approve minutes by Mrs. Suarez and seconded by Mrs. Luque
o Minutes approved by all
o May 19th End of Course Exam (EOC) for Algebra I at Coral Way K-8 Ctr.
o May 20th is the Fitness Day field trip at Kennedy Park with Miss Conto.
• Mr. Perez discussed the EPCOT Field Trip for the ninth graders scheduled for Friday, May 13, 2011.
o Parents have to be at 4:30am on the day of the fieldtrip to Epcot Center.
o We will leave at 5:00am.
o We should arrive at 10:00am and around 7:00pm we will come back.
o We will take milk, juice and that way they get there earlier.
o Attire: no uniform needed
o Students should bring a change of clothes to keep in the bus in case if needed.
o Photo id, sunscreen, spending money, lunch money
o Students are expected to conduct themselves properly.
o We will meet at 6:30pm to be able to get to bus on-time.
o Parents can e-mail Mr. Perez for any emergencies or questions.
o Every teacher will have a contact list of student’s cell phone numbers.
• Construction update
o The windows are already installed
o Painting has begun inside the building on the second floor.
• PTA fieldtrip meeting update: May 3rd 7:00 AM
• Every student next year will get an agenda
• Mr. Perez discussed the School Improvement Plan (SIP) Process and timelines.
o End of Year SIP have been delayed and we will continue to work and make adjustments to existing plan as needed.
o Updates will be given at the June 2, 2011 EESAC Meeting.
• Logo displayed for the uniform next year
• We are still waiting to see if we will have 7 or 8 periods, depending on how many teachers the county will give us. If 8, they will have 2 electives.
• Big electives will be art, music, physical education, beginning languages.
• Mrs. Luque:
• What will be the minimum students for us to get the extra period?
• Mr. Perez: 95 to 100 students.
• We will know sometime in the summer. And we can easily adapt to 8 period schedule.
• Mr. Perez: there will be a possibility that students can take electives online through virtual classes.
• Mrs. Iglesias: proposed to start a blog for ISPA
• Mrs. Suarez and Mrs. Luque liked the idea.
• Mrs. Suarez asked if all students will have a laptop too.
• Mr. Perez said no, only for this group
• The building will be wireless.
• We may have access to virtual books.
• Meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.