Educational Excellence School Advisory Council |
7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy
Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for: 05/03/2012 02:30 PM
Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.
Recording Secretary: Marisol Marin-Restrepo
Location of meeting: ISPA - Media Center
Was a quorum established? Yes
Was the meeting advertised? Yes, 04/06/2012
Members Present:
Perez, Alejandro (Principal)
Iglesias, Caridad (Teacher)
Marin-Restrepo, Marisol (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Deanna (Teacher)
Ruiz, Richard (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Calvo, Tamara (Educational Support Employee)
Bustamante, Rocio (Parent)
Zanaska, Steven (Student)
Bermudez, Miguel (Business/Community Representative)
Members Absent (Excused):
Nathalie Milian
Onelio Martin
Carmen Alvarez
Thais Luque
Ruth SuarezMembers Absent (Unexcused):
No one had an unexcused absence.
Others Present:
Erin Garcia
Jose Courel
Jose HernandezTopics Covered:
International Studies Preparatory Academy EESAC
EESAC Minutes
May 3, 2012
I. Agenda
o Approval of minutes from previous EESAC Meeting on March 8, 2012
o School Improvement Plan 2011-2012 Review/Updates
o EESAC By-laws/Roster Review and Updates
o School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Review
o School Activities and End of Year Events
o PTA Update
o New Business
II. Call to order
Ms. Deanna Rodriguez called to order the regular meeting of the EESAC Committee at 2:30pm on May 3, 2012 at International Studies Preparatory Academy at Gables (ISPA)
III. Roll call
The following persons were present: Mr. Perez, Mrs. Iglesias, Ms. Rodriguez, Mrs. Garcia, Mr. Hernandez, Mr. Courel, Mr. Ruiz, Mrs. Marin-Restrepo, and Mrs. Bustamante, Ms. Calvo and Mr. Bermudez.
IV. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Motion to approve minutes by Mrs. Iglesias and seconded by Mr. Hernandez. Minutes were approved by all members.
V. Open issues
A. Recruitment Update
1. In total, we have 186 students for next year.
2. We are short 15 to 20 students
3. 7 to 8 students are coming from other countries.
4. 2 students are coming from out of state.
5. The goal is to have 210 students, to be able to afford two teachers per subject area. Recruitment will continue throughout the end of the school year and summer months.
6. We want to add Music or Art as an elective course for students as part of their high school graduation requirements.
B. School Improvement Plan End of Year 2011-2012 Review/Updates and pre-planning for the 2012-2013 School Improvement Plan.
1. Data will be available towards the beginning of the summer.
2. Goals and objectives will be reviewed as needed as more information and data are available.
3. Teachers participated in suggesting and recommending goals and objectives for 2012-2013.
C. EESAC By-laws/Roster Review and Updates
1. School will keep the same by-laws for next year.
2. EESSAC will continue to meet 6 times per year.
3. Parents Helen Ferre and Samantha Parchment have not been able to assist.
4. Leonardo Viola’s Mother was selected by all EESAC members as Alternate Parent representative.
5. Paul Figuera’s Mother was selected by all EESAC members as Parent Representative.
6. Mr. Mazloum was accepted as the Community Member and replaced Mr. Bermudez.
7. Steven Zanaska and Noura Maziak are replacing Samantha Kassner and Camila Gimenez as Student Representative and Alternate correspondently.
8. Motion to approve changes by Mr. Hernandez and seconded by Mrs. Marin-Restrepo. Changes were approved by all members
VI. New business
A. School Activities and End of Year Events
1. Fieldtrip to Epcot Center will be on June 1st.
2. Busch Gardens will be on May 25th.
3. Mr. Ruiz offered a CPR training session for non-instructional personnel from several schools.
4. End of Year Awards will be on Tuesday June 5th from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
5. Criteria for awards will be given later by writing.
B. PTA Update
1. Last PTA meeting will be on May 8th, 2012 at 6pm
C. New Business
1. Mr. Perez announced the possibility of two programs for next year:
a. Close-Up (within USA)
b. EF Educational Tours (outside of USA)
2. Educational Tours will take place approximately from 3/22/13 to 3/29/13.
3. Close-Up trip will be in April (date to be announced)
4. For every 6 students, 1 chaperone goes free
5. Mr. Perez is getting prices now ($2700-2800/person)
6. Next week, we have Teachers’ Appreciation Week
7. On May 22nd at 6pm, Nutrition Specialists from Wholefoods will hold an event to discuss healthy food.
8. Mrs. Iglesias explained students will still be testing next week for their EOC Biology, Algebra, and AP European History.
VII. Adjournment
Ms. Deanna Rodriguez adjourned the meeting at 3:10 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Mrs. Marin-Restrepo
Minutes approved by: Ms. Deanna Rodriguez and Mr. Alejandro Perez