Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    09/27/2012  02:40 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Maria Lugo

Location of meeting:    ISPA - Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/04/2012


Members Present:

Perez, Alejandro (Principal)
Bez, Lilliam (Teacher)
Iglesias, Caridad (Teacher)
Marin-Restrepo, Marisol (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Deanna (Teacher)
Ruiz, Richard (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Calvo, Tamara (Educational Support Employee)

Luque, Thais (Parent)
Mazloum, Sylvain (Parent)
Medina, Yuli (Parent)

Zanaska, Steven (Student)

Members Absent (Excused):

Martin, Onelio (Alternate Educational Support)
Bustamante, Rocio (Parent)
Maziak, Noura (Alternate Student)
Bermudez, Miguel (Business/Community Representative)
Michienzi, Enza (Alternate Parent)
Marin-Restrepo, Marisol (Teacher)
Martin, Onelio (Alternate Educational Support)
Bustamante, Rocio (Parent)
Jacobs, Melissa (Business/Community Representative)
Jacobs, Melissa (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Jose Courel
Jose Hernandez
Jose Alvarez
Nathalie Milian
Maria Lugo
Luz Franco

Topics Covered:

International Studies Preparatory Academy (ISPA)
EESAC Minutes
September 27, 2012
I. Agenda
• Approval of minutes from previous from previous EESAC Meeting on May 3, 2012
o Members approved by all members as presented.
• School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Review and Approval
• EESAC By-laws/Roster Review and Updates
• Opening of Schools Update and Information
• PTSA Update
• New Business
II. Call to Order
• Mr. Perez called the EESAC Committee Meeting to order at 2:30 p.m., on September 17, 2012, at International Studies Preparatory Academy at Gables (ISPA).
III. Roll Call
• The following people were present: Mr. Perez, Ms. Rodriguez, Mr. Ruiz, Ms. Milian, Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Bez, Mr. Courel, Ms. Lugo, Ms. Luque, Mr. Mazloum, Ms. Medina, Ms. Franco and Mr. Zanaska
IV. Approval of Minutes from May 3, 2012
• Motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Ruiz, and seconded by Ms. Luque.
o Unanimously approved.
V. Open Issues
A. Recruitment Update
1. We are 20 students short of our goal of 210 students this school year.
2. Our goal for next year 2013-2013 is 300 students.
3. Mr. Perez will be holding open enrollment from October 1st through January 15th of 2013.
4. A Video was created to enhance the school’s appeal and to be played to recruitment ceremonies.
5. Next year, 2013, an IE, Italian International Education Course, will be offered.
B. EESAC By-law/Roster Review and Updates
1. ISPA’s By-laws were created October 14, 2010 with the purpose of enhancing the academic progress of the school.
2. Ms. Rodriguez was voted once again as EESAC Chairperson. The motion was raised by Mr. Hernandez and seconded by Ms. Milian. All members of the EESAC agreed.
3. Ms. Milian asked to be removed from the EESAC team this year. Three teachers were voted into the committee: Ms. Marin-Restrepo, Ms. Bez, and Ms. Iglesias. Mr. Ruiz will be the alternate.
4. Ms. Luque, Ms. Medina, Ms. Bustamante were voted in as members representing the parents. Mr. Mazloum will serve as a Business Committee Representative.
5. Steven Zanaska and Nora Maziak (Alternate Student) are the Student Representatives.
6. Ms. Milian made a motion to have a Student Government Representative as part of the EESAC team. Mr. Perez agrees to have them present, but they will not be able to vote on committee issues.
7. Mr. Perez mentioned the Sunshine Law which indicates that EESAC Committee Meetings must be announced with five days of anticipation.
8. Ms. Marin-Restrepo will continue to take the Minutes for the EESAC Meetings.
9. If anyone has any issues that they would like to share with EESAC, they are to give the information to Ms. Rodriguez the EESAC Chairperson.
C. School Improvement Plan 2012-2013 Review and Approval
1. Copies of the 2012-2013 School Improvement Plan are available. Anyone that is interested may ask Mr. Perez for a copy.
2. The District approved the 2012-2013 School Improvement Plan. However, the School Board’s approval is still pending.
3. After taking the FCAT, ISPA’s students ranked among the highest 5% of schools which were tested.
4. ISPA earned the grade of “A” for the 2011-2012 school year.
5. ISPA’s Reading Goal is to improve its current percentage of 29% of students scoring a 3 or above to having 31% of students scoring a 3 or above. Furthermore, in 2012 49% of students scored a four or above in Reading. In 2013, 50% of students are expected to score a four or higher in the area of Reading.
6. In 2012, 80% of students made a learning gain in the area of Reading. In 2013, 85% of students are expected to make learning gains in the same area.
7. In the 2012 Algebra End of Year Exam (EOC), 45% of students passed. In 2013, the goal is to have 49% of students pass the Algebra EOC.
8. In 2012, 37% of students in the lower third passed the Geometry EOC. In 2013, 38% of students are expected to pass the Geometry EOC.
9. In 2012, 50% of students in the upper third passed the Geometry EOC. In 2013, 50% of students are expected to pass the Geometry EOC.
10. The Biology EOC is new this year. Students must past this exam in or der to pass the course.
11. The Writing Goal is to have 96% of students receive a score of 4 or above.
12. The US History EOC is new this year. Their results on the test will be 30% of their course grade.
13. Mr. Perez would like to improve student attendance from 95.52 in 2012 to 96.02% in 2013.
14. The parent involvement goal in 2012 was 10%. In 2013, the parent involvement goal is 20%.
15. The budget for parental involvement is $6,000 which is used towards recruitment purposes.
16. Ms. Bez suggested the possibility of advertising the school before movies our played at AMC’s Sunset Place.
17. The SIP was approved by all members as presented. Additional updates and review of the SIP will be given at future EESAC Meetings.
VI. New Business
A. Opening of Schools Update and Information
1. Mr. Perez reported that it was a smooth opening of schools.
2. There are minor schedule changes that still need to be made and are taking place this week.
B. PTSA Update
1. On September 26, 2012, the PTSA had their first meeting of the school year.
2. On October 12, 2012, at 6:00 p.m., in the Roof Terrace at ISPA, the PTSA will be holding its first Meet and Greet. Refreshments will be served.
3. This year Ms. Medina mentioned that they are trying to set up the concept of Home Room Parents.
4. Flyers will be going out through email to announce the event on October 12th.
VII. Adjournment
• Ms. Franco made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Ms. Bez seconded the motion.
Minutes submitted by: Mrs. Maria Lugo