Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    05/08/2014  04:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Maria Lugo, Teacher

Location of meeting:    1570 Madruga Avenue, Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  04/18/2014


Members Present:

Perez, Alejandro (Principal)
Bez, Lilliam (Teacher)
Iglesias, Caridad (Teacher)
Lugo, Maria (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Deanna (Teacher)
Jose, Hernandez (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Calvo, Tamara (Educational Support Employee)
Medina, Yuli (Parent)
Noa, Nelson (Student)
Ramirez, Nicholas (Alternate Student)
Del Rio, Alina (Business/Community Representative)
Weiner, Jeff (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Martin, Onelio (Alternate Educational Support)
Luna, Diana (Parent)
Luque, Thais (Parent)
Mazloum, Sylvain (Parent)
Noa, Nelson (Student)
Ramirez, Nicholas (Alternate Student)
Medina, Yuli (Parent)
Mazloum, Muriel (Alternate Parent)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Felicia Diaz, Assistant Principal

Topics Covered:

7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy
Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for: 5/8/2014 at 2:30 p.m.
Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.
Recording Secretary: Maria Lugo
Location of Meeting: ISPA-Media Center
Was a quorum established? Yes
Was the meeting advertised? Yes
Members Present:
Perez, Alejandro (Principal)
Ms. Diaz (Assistant Principal)
Bez, Lilliam (Teacher)
Mr. Hernández (Teacher)
Lugo, Maria (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Deana (EESAC Chairperson, Teacher)
Ms. Castaneda (Teacher)
Ms. Iglesias (Teacher)
Weiner, Jeff (Business Community Representative)
Tamara Calvo, (Support Personnel)
Alina DelRio, (Parent)

Topics Covered:
International Studies Preparatory Academy at Gables (ISPA) EESAC Minutes
May 8th, 2014
I. Agenda
*Approval of minutes from prior EESAC meeting on March 13, 2014
*School Improvement Plan 2013-2014 Review
*End of the Year Activities/Events
*EESAC By-Laws/Revisions
*EESAC Budget
*PTSA Update
*New Business
II. Call to Order
*Mr. Perez called the EESAC Committee meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. on May 8th, 2014, at International Studies Preparatory Academy at Gables (ISPA).
III. Roll Call
*Mr. Perez, Ms. Diaz, Ms. Rodriguez, Ms. Bez, Ms. Lugo, Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Iglesias, Ms. Castaneda, and Mr. Weiner
IV. Approval of Minutes from May 8th, 2014
*Mr. Weiner made a motion to approve the minutes, and Ms. Iglesias seconded the motion.
* Minutes from, March 13, 2014 were approved by all members.
V. School Improvement Plan 2013-2014 Review and Updates
*Copies are available from Mr. Perez upon request.
*The MDCPS District has approved the SIP.
*Ms. Diaz noted that the SIP will have significant changes for next school year.
*Ms. Diaz discussed the Annual Measurement Objectives (AMO) Dashboard.
*One of the changes that will be seen is an increase in End of Course Exams for multiple subject areas which include but are not limited to Physical Education, Foreign Languages, and US History.
*Ms. Diaz mentioned that ISPA’s staff was given a shared planning sheet at the last faculty meeting to discuss our school’s particular goals and needs in order to review and recommend changes for 2014-2015.

VI. End of the Year Activities for 2014-2015
*Next Thursday, May 16th, 2014, there will be an orientation for incoming 9th grade students.
*Graduation is scheduled for May 29th, 2014., and PTSA is organizing a small reception at a local restaurant.
*The Awards Ceremony for all other students will take place on June 4th which is an early release day.
*An all school fieldtrip to see Gleespa’s play will take place later this month.
*The Spanish Department will be hosting the “Spain is Different” on June 4th, 2014.
VI. EESAC By-laws/Revisions
*The EESAC Committee felt as a whole that the overall the By-laws met the needs of the committee for the exception of the statement in section identified as, “IV. Regular Meetings,” which indicates that EESAC is to convene a minimum of six times per school year.
*Mrs. Iglesias made a motion to change the statement to reflect that EESAC will meet a minimum of four times per school year.
*Ms. Lugo seconded the motion to change the statement to reflect that EESAC will meet a minimum of four times per school year.
*All EESAC members voted and agreed unanimously, and the By-lines will be revised to reflect this change.
* EESAC had a budget of $1258.04 based on our student population this school year.
*An order was placed to purchase $563.00 in medals, awards, trophies for the end of the year activities.
*Two printers and supplies were purchased for students’ usage for $690.00.
*The PTSA is organizing a small reception at a local restaurant which will take place after graduation on May 29, 2014.
*The PTSA is sponsoring a week filled with gifts and activities for teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week.
IX. New Business
*Ms. Martinez will be holding a mock SAT/ACT test on May 10th to prepare students for these important tests.
*Ms. Rodriguez visited Italy with selected ISPA students next week during Spring Break. She mentioned that students were exuberant. The trip was a success.
*Ms. Rodriguez will also be sponsoring the Close Up fieldtrip in May 2014.
*Graduation is scheduled for May 29th, 2014., and PTSA is organizing a small reception at a local restaurant.
X. Adjournment
*Ms. Weiner moved to adjourn the meeting, and Ms. Bez seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.