Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    09/22/2016  04:00 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Mylene Feiler

Location of meeting:    1570 Madruga Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida 33146

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  08/02/2016


Members Present:

Perez, Alejandro (Principal)
Bez, Lilliam (Teacher)
Ledo, Monterrat (Teacher)
Martinez, Maria (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Deanna (Teacher)
Feiler, Mylene (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Calvo, Tamara (Educational Support Employee)
Billaud, Pascale (Parent)
Ferrante, Rosario (Parent)
Harrison, Naomi (Parent)
Unternahrer, Nicole (Parent)
Lusenti, Muriel (Alternate Parent)
Roca, Matthew (Student)
Labruzi, Donabella (Alternate Student)
Spiga, Massimo (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Del Rio, Alina (Business/Community Representative)
Martin, Onelio (Alternate Educational Support)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Maria Lugo
Robert Williams
Ana Alamo
Laura Pascal
Felicia Diaz

Topics Covered:

7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy
Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for: 9/22/2016 at 2:30 p.m.
Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.
Recording Secretary: Mylene Feiler
Location of Meeting: ISPA-Media Center
Was a quorum established? Yes
Was the meeting advertised? Yes
Members Present:
Perez, Alejandro, (Principal)
Diaz, Felicia (Assistant Principal)
Ledo, Monserrat (Lead Teacher)
Alamo, Ana (Test Chairperson)
Bez, Liliam (Teacher)
Lugo, Maria (Teacher)
Feiler, Mylene (Teacher)
Martinez, Maria (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Deanna (Teacher)
Harrison, Naomi (Parent)
Spiga, Massimo (Business Community Representative)
Ferrante, Rosario (Parent)
Billaud, Pascal (Parent)
Unternaehrer, Nicole (PTSA President)
Labrozzi, Donabella (SGA Vice President)
Roca, Matthew (SGA President)

Topics Covered:
International Studies Preparatory Academy at Gables (ISPA) EESAC Minutes
September 22, 2016
I. Agenda
*Approval of minutes from prior EESAC meeting on May 18, 2016
*School Improvement Plan 2016-2017
*Opening of Schools Update
*EESAC By-Laws/Revisions
*New Parent/Teacher Members
*Open House Review
*PTSA Update
*New Business
II. Call to Order
*Mr. Perez called the EESAC Committee meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. on September 22, 2016 at International Studies Preparatory Academy at Gables (ISPA).
III. Roll Call
* Perez, Alejandro, Diaz, Felicia, Ms. Lugo, Ms. Feiler, Ms. Ledo, Ms. Alamo, Ms. Bez, Ms. Rodriguez, Ms. Harrison, and Ms. Martinez, Mr. Spiga, Ms. Ferrante, Ms. Billaud, Ms. Unternaehrer, Mr. Williams, Ms. Pascal, Donabella Labrozzi, & Matthew Roca
IV. Approval of Minutes from May 18, 2016
*Ms. Bez made a motion to approve the minutes, and Ms. Ferrante seconded the motion.
* Minutes from, May 18, 2016, were approved by all members.
V. School Improvement Plan 2016-2017
*Copies are available from Mr. Perez upon request.
*The SIP will be available at the next meeting for all members. Currently, we are meeting all of our objectives in all areas including but not limited to the subject areas and parent involvement.
*ISPA was among the top 10 High Schools in MDCPS overall, and TOP 5% in the country. We performed very well in Language Arts and Science. We are ranked among the top 5 schools in MDCPS, and Language Arts had the highest learning gains in the entire county.
*Goals for the upcoming SIP include but are not limited to raising our Math Scores in the areas of Proficiency and Learning Gains by 5%.
*ISPA would also like to improve Student Attendance by 5%, as well as, increase the number of students enrolled in Dual Enrollment and A.P. courses.
VI. Opening of Schools Update
*Mr. Perez opened the meeting reiterating that ISPA is an A school once again.
*Our Freshman class currently has 102 students which is on target with last year’s projections.
*We are aiming for 100% graduation rate this year. We have 84 Seniors. Last year we had a rate of 97%.
*Former students have come back to voice their gratitude to our staff regarding their feeling of preparedness for college.
*Soon, there will be a gathering of FIPA-French International Parent Association where all are invited. Our school works closely with SIPA, IIPA, IIPA, and the PTSA.
VII. EESAC By-laws/Revisions
*Currently, there are no changes to our EESAC’s By-Laws. We are compliant with the district guidelines. The By-Law/Revisions are available upon request.
VIII. New Parent/Teacher Members
*The committee voted for the position of EESAC’s Chairperson. Ms. Deanna Rodriguez was re-elected. Ms. Lugo moved to nominate Ms. Rodriguez, Ms. Harrison seconded the motion, and each member agreed that Ms. Rodriguez would be Chairperson of the EESAC.
*Additionally, a few new members joined the EESAC. There were a few openings due to parents that had students who left our school. Currently, Mr. Spiga will replace Mr. Weiner as the Business Community Representative. Ms. Unternaehrer replaced Ms. Luder as PTSA President. Ms. Billaud replaced Ms. Luna as a parent representative. Matthew Roca replaced Diego Vargas as the student representative, and Donabella Labrozzi replaced Kassandra Casanova as the alternate student representative.
IX. Open House Review
*Open House is next Tuesday, September 27, 2016.
*Parents will meet in the cafeteria at 5:30 to discuss the upcoming France and Italy trip during Spring Break.
*FIPA, SIPA, and IIPA, as well as, a representative from L.A. Fitness will have a booth in the cafeteria for the Resource Fair from 6:00-6:45.
*Classroom visitations will begin from 6:45 p.m. until 9:00 pm.

X. PTSA Update
* PTSA has new monthly newsletter and a website. The website has a section where community members can donate to the PTSA.
*This year’s PTSA Fundraiser Gala will be held at the Spanish Consul’s residence was a great success. All proceeds benefit ISPA’s students.
*The PTSA selected a new board due to the fact that many of the members are the parents of seniors. Ms. Nicole Unterheimer is the new PTSA President.
XI. New Business
*EESAC was allocated $1,681 in funds for the school. Mr. Perez proposed that the funds be used once again for student activities such as, but not limited to, the Honor Roll Ice Cream and other Activities, The NHS Induction, Junior Ring Ceremony, End of Year Awards, ISPA’s World Cup and other activities to recognize students of ISPA for attendance/tardy incentives or academic achievement. All members voted to approve the allocation of the funds. Ms. Feiler moved to approve the motion first, Ms. Bez seconded the motion, and every member voted and agreed with the vote.
* The Student Government Association has an email for the student body to share their thoughts directly with them. The email is .
*Plans are already in motion to plan graduation and prom.
*Spirit Week will take place October 24-28.
XII. Adjournment
*Ms. Feiler moved to adjourn the meeting, and Ms. Bez seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.