Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    02/13/2019  02:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Montserrat Ledo

Location of meeting:    ISPA, 1570 Madruga Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33146

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  11/27/2018


Members Present:

Diaz-Blanco, Alina M (Principal)
Feiler, Mylene (Teacher))
Alamo, Ana (Teacher/EESAC Chair)
Ledo, Montserrat (Teacher)
Martin, Onelio (Alternate Educational Support)
Bautte, Luisa (Parent)
Calvo, Tamara (Educational Support Employee)
Olmos, Ignacio (Student)
Ornia, Pedro (Alternate Student)
Feiler, Mark (Business/Community Representative)
Ledo, Onil (Alternate Parent)

Members Absent (Excused):

Martinez, Maria (UTD Steward/Teacher
Rodriguez, Deana (Alternate Teacher)
Pascal, Laura (Alternate Teacher)
Lozano, Diana (Parent)
Harrison, Naomi (Business/Community Representative)
Loucel, Karen (Parent)
Hepworth, Mary (Parent)
Machado, Nylien (Alternate Student)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Jarjour, Sophia (Student)

Topics Covered:

I. Agenda
- Approval of minutes from prior EESAC meeting on November 13, 2018
- School Improvement Plan: Mid-Year Review 2018-2019
- School Improvement Plan: Waivers & Secondary School Reform
- General Information
- PTSA Update
- New Business

II. Call to Order
Ms. Ana Alamo, called the EESAC Committee meeting to order at 2:30pm on February 13, 2019, at International Studies Preparatory Academy at Gables (ISPA).

III. Roll Call
Introduction of New Parent/Teacher/Student Members
a. Present Members
Diaz-Blanco, Alina M (Principal)
Feiler, Mylene (Teacher))
Alamo, Ana (Teacher/EESAC Chair)
Ledo, Montserrat (Teacher)
Martin, Onelio (Alternate Educational Support)
Bautte, Luisa (Parent)
Calvo, Tamara (Educational Support Employee)
Olmos, Ignacio (Student)
Ornia, Pedro (Alternate Student)
Feiler, Mark (Business/Community Representative)
Ledo, Onil (Alternate Parent)

b. Absent Members (Excused Absence)
Martinez, Maria (UTD Steward/Teacher
Rodriguez, Deana (Alternate Teacher)
Pascal, Laura (Alternate Teacher)
Lozano, Diana (Parent)
Harrison, Naomi (Business/Community Representative)
Loucel, Karen (Parent)
Hepworth, Mary (Parent)
Machado, Nylien (Alternate Student)

c. Others Present
Jarjour, Sophia (Student)

IV. Approval of Minutes from November 13, 2018
- Ignacio Olmos made a motion to approve the minutes, and Ms. Feiler seconded the motion.
- Minutes from November 13, 2018 were approved unanimously.

V. School Improvement Plan Mid-Year Review 2018-2019
- Dr. Blanco reviewed the midyear School Improvement Plan.

VI. School Improvement Plan Waivers/Secondary School Reform
a. Dr. Blanco discussed the Eight period day and Block Schedule currently in place at the school. This schedule is crucial for the school’s academic program and required additional language courses that the students take.
b. Dr. Blanco discussed Block Schedule.
c. Ms. Feiler made a motion to recommend the approval of Block Scheduling and SSR (8 period day), and Ms. Calvo seconded the motion.
d. The motion was passed unanimously.

VII. General Information
a. Magnet application process is done. Ms. Ledo is in the process of clearing eligible candidates, that will then go into the lottery pool. Acceptance letters go out in March, and orientation for new students will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 6:00 PM.
b. Articulation for next year took place last week. Dr. Blanco and the student services team conducted articulation in smaller settings through the Language Arts Classes. The following new electives will be offered to students for next year:
-AP Art History
-AP Biology
-AP Studio Art (Photography)
-Facing History and Ourselves
- Chemistry Dual Enrollment

VIII. 2018-2019 EESAC Funds Update (Approved 9-11-18)
- Ice Cream Party for Honor Roll Students
- Breakfast for French Students (DELF)

XI. PTSA Update
- MDCPS is going through the reaccreditation process for PTA. Two ISPA parents participated in interviews.
- PTSA has two upcoming fundraisers:
-Color Fun Run on March 22nd
-Annual Cocktail Fundraiser on April 26th.
This year’s theme is Global Friendship.
- Florida PTA has a $2000 Scholarship which students can apply for. They must be members of their school’s PTSA.
- An ISPA parent has pledged a $1000 scholarship to be offered every year their child is a student at ISPA. Requirements for the scholarship are forthcoming.
- ISPA PTSA will also be offering a scholarship based on the funds collected from the Color Fun Run and Cocktail. Requirements for the scholarship are forthcoming.

XII. New Business
- ISPA hopes to revamp the Morning News Program by creating criteria for participants and having them audition prior to the start of the school year.

XIII. Adjournment
- Ignacio Olmos moved to adjourn the meeting and Pedro Ornia seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:20pm.