Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    09/21/2022  02:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Montserrat Ledo

Location of meeting:    Media Center / Zoom

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  09/08/2022


Members Present:

Alamo, Ana (Teacher / EESAC Chairperson)
Avaria, Carolina (Parent)
Bez, Lilliam (Teacher / UTD)
Bryson, Maria (Parent)
De La Cruz, Leslie (Parent)
Diaz-Blanco, Alina (Principal)
Fajardo, Natalila (Educational Support)
Feiler, Mark (Business / Community Rep)
Evelyn, Guerra (Student)
Harrison, Naomi (Business / Community Rep)
Ledo, Montserrat (Teacher)
Taracido, Kevin (Teacher)

Members Absent (Excused):

Bendana, Janina (Parent)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Calvo, Tammy (Alternate Education Support)
Diaz, Felicia (Assistant Principal)
Prieto, Abbigale (Alternate Student)
Sanchez, Maria B. (Alternate Parent)
Gomez, Naye (Student)

Topics Covered:

I. Agenda
• Approval of minutes from prior EESAC meeting on May 10, 2022
• Introduction of New Parent/Teacher Members
• Opening of School Update
• Safety & Security
• School Improvement Plan 2022-2023 / EESAC Bylaws / Revisions
- Review EESAC Bylaws
- Review and approve Phase I & II of the SIP
- SIP Signature Page
• EESAC Budget
• Open House – September 28, 2022
• PTSA Update
• New Business

II. Call to Order
Ms. Ana Alamo, EESAC Chairperson, called the EESAC Committee meeting to order at 2:30pm on September 21, 2022, at International Studies Preparatory Academy at Gables (ISPA) in the Media Center and via Zoom Meeting.

III. Roll Call
Introduction of New Parent/Teacher/Student Members
a. Present Members
Alamo, Ana (Teacher / EESAC Chairperson)
Avaria, Carolina (Parent)
Bez, Lilliam (Teacher / UTD)
Bryson, Maria (Parent)
De La Cruz, Leslie (Parent)
Diaz-Blanco, Alina (Principal)
Fajardo, Natalila (Educational Support)
Feiler, Mark (Business / Community Rep)
Evelyn, Guerra (Student)
Harrison, Naomi (Business / Community Rep)
Ledo, Montserrat (Teacher)
Taracido, Kevin (Teacher)

b. Absent Members (Excused Absence)
Bendana, Janina (Parent)

c. Others Present
Calvo, Tammy (Alternate Education Support)
Diaz, Felicia (Assistant Principal)
Prieto, Abbigale (Alternate Student)
Sanchez, Maria B. (Alternate Parent)
Gomez, Naye (Student)

IV. Approval of Minutes from May 10, 2022
- Ms. De La Cruz made a motion to approve the minutes, and Mr. Taracido seconded the motion.
- Minutes from May 10, 2022 were approved unanimously.

V. Opening of Schools Update
- Student enrollment is currently 380 students.
- 115 students were accepted to ISPA this year.
- Over 50% of these students came from Charter or Private schools.

VI. Safety & Security
- ISPA will continue with the Safety & Security protocols in place from the previous school year.
- Students are reminded on a daily basis to wear their IDs around their necks to ensure they are appropriately identified.

VII. School Improvement Plan 2022-2023 / EESAC Bylaws/Revisions
- Areas of focus: Instructional Practice relating to the B.E.S.T. Standards and Instructional Practice relating to ELA.
- School Improvement Plan Phase 1 & Phase 2 was presented to EESAC members by Ms. Alamo at the meeting.
- Ms. Ledo made a motion to approve the SIP, and Ms. Bez seconded the motion.
- SIP 2022-2023 was approved unanimously.
- No bylaws revisions needed at this time
- No composition waiver requests needed at this time
- Dr. Blanco will verify EESAC Roster
- 2022-2023 SIP Signature Page will be completed, signed by appropriate individuals and submitted to district.

- Currently EESAC has $1696.00 in the budget.
- A motion was made by Ms. Bez to transfer $1696.00 to EESAC Internal Funds for the purposes of incentives (including but not limited to: academic, attendance, special recognitions and awards.)
- Motion was seconded by Ms. Calvo, and unanimously approved.

IX. Open House – September 28, 2022
- Open House will be fully in person this year.
- MDC Padron Campus will be giving 9th and 10th grade parents a presentation on new Dual Enrollment program, the Phoenix Pathway Program.
- Program will have a mixture of Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement courses.
- Students who successfully complete the program will finish high school with an associate degree from MDC.

X. PTSA Update
- This year PTSA has had more than 10 volunteers. The largest number of volunteers ever.
- Tomorrow there will be a special breakfast for these volunteers.
- The next general PTSA meeting will be on October 6, 2022.
- The meeting will be held fully in person, at ISPA.
- The PTSA Bazar will be on October 8, 2022.
- The PTSA need help promoting the event.
- Students that volunteer at the bazar will be given community service hours.

XI. New Business
- There is no new business at this time.

XII. Adjournment
- Mr. Taracido moved to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Ledo seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30pm.