Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

6611 Country Club Middle School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    03/04/2009  08:25 AM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Niesha Mack-Freeman

Location of meeting:    CCMS Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  02/04/2009


Members Present:

Bueno, Jose (Principal)
Conroy, Denise (Union Steward)
Belkin, Linda (Teacher)
Covone, Gina (Teacher)
Hildenbrand, Susan (Teacher)
House, Karen (Teacher)
Mack-Freeman, Niesha (Teacher)
Mesa, Ivonne (Educational Support Employee)
Pino, Marisol (Alternate Educational Support)
Cartwright, Judy (Parent)
Freeman, Adrian (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

Rodriguez, Orlando (Business/Community Representative)+
Gonzalez, Haylen (Parent)
Hobson, Annmarie (Parent)
Mongbeh, Faye (Parent)
Reinhart-Incera, Cynthia (Parent)
Giron, Gloria (Alternate Parent)
Darhi-Cabezas, Diana (Student)
George, Mathew (Alternate Student)
Chacon, Wanda (Parent)
Gil, Gustavo (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

The minutes were read and a motion was made to approve the minutes by Ms. Lebena and seconded by Ms. Hobson.

The FCAT is coming up and on Tuesday and Wednesday for all students. Monday of the next week, snacks will be provided for all students as well.

Math night is coming up and students will be offered a free A coupon for the next test or quiz. Stations were to be set up for the strands and teachers paired in teams to present activities to the parents. The parents and students will also challeng each other in Math Jeopardy. This would be done via Powerpoint. The cheerleaders, dancers, band, and steppers are scheduled to perform. There will also was a V Math prsentation.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 a.m.