Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

6611 Country Club Middle School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    11/18/2009  04:45 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Mr. Guillermo Ramos

Location of meeting:    Country Club Middle School Main Office Conference Room

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  11/10/2009


Members Present:

Bueno, Jose (Principal)
Conroy, Denise (Union Steward)
Belkin, Linda (Teacher)
Covone, Gina (Teacher)
Gil, Gustavo (Teacher)
Martin, Melissa (Teacher)
Ramos, Guillermo (Teacher)
House, Karen (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Mesa, Ivonne (Educational Support Employee)
Pino, Marisol (Alternate Educational Support)
Cartwright, Judy (Parent)
Georges, Meloni (Parent)
Mercado, Nidia (Parent)
Perez, Jesus (Parent)
Uz, Miriam (Parent)
Zuniga, Oneida (Parent)
Rizo, Alex (Alternate Parent)
Nino, Maria (Student)
Bido, Ricardo (Alternate Student)
Suarez, Gabriela (Alternate Student)
Gonzalez, Diana (Business/Community Representative)
Rodriguez, Orlando (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

EESAC Minutes – November 18, 2009

The 4th ESSAC Meeting of the 2009-2010 commenced at 4:45 pm by EESAC Chair Ms. Linda Belkin. Mr. Ramos read the minutes from the last meeting. Mr. Bueno made a motion to approve the minutes and Ms. Gina Covone second the motion and the minutes were approved. Ms. Zulema Cardet then presented the Wellness Committee Report to all attending members. The School Wellness Council was founded last school year and received a $1,500 grant. The Wellness Committee presented its goals and initiatives, among them to recruit parents and how they can get involved to be able to utilize successfully the grant money. Students for the committee have already been recruited from the Health and Science Clubs. Among some of the wellness council program highlights and incentives for parents that join include a weight watchers program and discount for parents, health screenings and guest speakers. At the end, the goal of the Country Club Middle School Wellness Council is inform and empower students, teachers and parents to be part of a healthier school which will equal higher achievement. Finally, Mr. Bueno talked about the importance of health insurance and the members gave ideas on how to effectively recruit parents to be part of the Wellness Council. Furthermore, an update was given on the School Improvement Plan. Among the update was the Early Release in-service activities that are taking place at the school on Thursday, November 19th , the tutoring that has started in school for the bubble students and that the Saturday Academy will commence in January. Furthermore, Mr. Bueno shared with the members the results of the interim assessments as compared to our neighboring middle school and the results were positive in reading and mathematics for the 6th, 7th and 8th grades and only three percentage points behind in 8th grade Science. Furthermore, different incentives were shared by Mr. Bueno in awarding students who achieved mastery on the different tests. Finally, parent members brought some concerns about safety issues surrounding the school, in particularly with students crossing the street and speeding and lack of safety signs behind the school by the bus loop. Lastly, fundraising ideas were discussed, among them, the fun cards and dress down days that are currently implemented and the upcoming Universal Studios trip for students with learning gains on FCAT. Mr. Bueno then shared that department heads will soon provide wish lists for needs and resources that their respective departments might need. Ms. Covone then motioned to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Perez second the motion. The next meeting will be in mid-December.

Attendance: Mr. Jesus Perez, Ms. Nidia Mercado, Ms, Gina Covone, Ms. Linda Belkin, Mr. Guillermo Ramos, Ms. Zulema Cardet, Mr. Jose Bueno, Mr. Jose Uz, Ms. Melonie Georges.