Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

6611 Country Club Middle School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    05/18/2010  04:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Mr. Guillermo Ramos

Location of meeting:    Country Club Middle School Main Office Conference Room

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  05/10/2010


Members Present:

Bueno, Jose (Principal)
Conroy, Denise (Union Steward)
Belkin, Linda (Teacher)
Covone, Gina (Teacher)
Gil, Gustavo (Teacher)
Martin, Melissa (Teacher)
Ramos, Guillermo (Teacher)
House, Karen (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Mesa, Ivonne (Educational Support Employee)
Pino, Marisol (Alternate Educational Support)
Cartwright, Judy (Parent)
Georges, Meloni (Parent)
Mercado, Nidia (Parent)
Perez, Jesus (Parent)
Uz, Miriam (Parent)
Zuniga, Oneida (Parent)
Rizo, Alex (Alternate Parent)
Nino, Maria (Student)
Bido, Ricardo (Alternate Student)
Suarez, Gabriela (Alternate Student)
Gonzalez, Diana (Business/Community Representative)
Rodriguez, Orlando (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Erika Leon (teacher)
Adriana Gonzalez (student)
Hector Huertas (teacher)
Rolando Lobato (teacher)
Viviana Lebena (assistant principal)

Topics Covered:

EESAC Minutes – May 18, 2010

The 10th EESAC Meeting of the 2009-2010 school year commenced on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 4:30 pm by EESAC Chair Ms. Linda Belkin. Mr. Ramos read the minutes from the last meeting. Ms. Covone then made a motion to approve the minutes and all board members approved the minutes. Ms. Belkin then introduced all the new members for the 2010-2011 school year to the EESAC board and everyone introduced themselves. She further thanked all members of this year and all new members for next year for serving on the EESAC committee. Ms. Lebena then continued with an update on the School Improvement Plan. All curricular departments have submitted their recommendations for the 2010-2011 school year. The new School Improvement Plan has begun to be written and will be approved by all the new EESAC members in the Fall. Further, the board discussed if any other new recommendations could be added for next school year. Mr. Bueno then updated the board on the finances, such that all accounts are up to date and the process of spending the remaining monies is occurring. Furthermore, Mr. Bueno discussed the closing of schools and the basic materials for teachers to have for the start of the new school year will be available, as such, also the custodial supplies. Mr. Bueno added that of the remaining $5157.15 funds available from the last meeting, the amount of $1394.00 has been spent for office/school supplies to start off the 2010-2011 school year ready with supplies for all teachers and staff. The remaining $3763.15 will be used to further purchase other related school supplies, such as Science lab materials. Mr. Bueno also elaborated on the status of the school’s security staff, the class size cap issues for next school year and how to raise school spirit and activities for our students for next school year. Finally, EESAC parent board member, Mr. Jose Uz, made a motion for Mr. Bueno to spend the remaining EESAC funds of $3763.15 as needed for the benefit of the school and Mr. Bueno to provide all board members with a letter explaining the purchases spent with the funds. Mr. Huertas second the motion and the motion was approved. Mr. Huertas then made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mrs. Leon second the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.