Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

6611 Country Club Middle School

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    10/06/2015  04:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Nicole Curry-Coffee

Location of meeting:    Country Club Middle School - Media Center

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  10/01/2015


Members Present:

Fernandez, Jose (Principal)
Heras, Alejandro (Union Steward)
Alfred Duverny, Samantha (Teacher)
Covone, Gina (Teacher)
Curry Coffee, Nicole (Teacher)
Hankins, Steven (Teacher)
Leon, Erika (Teacher)
Anne, Knight (Alternate Teacher/Paraprofessional)
Mercado, Nidia (Educational Support Employee)
Pino, Marisol (Alternate Educational Support)
Cermeno, Yaremy (Parent)
Cermeno, Yaremy (Parent)
King-Elston, Santrel (Parent)
Nodarse, Francis (Parent)
Perera-Acosta, Alba (Parent)
Rizo, Alex (Parent)
Rubio, Sandra (Parent)
Orta, Daniela (Alternate Parent)
Ulpiz, Kayla (Student)
Coffee, Nasir (Alternate Student)
Coalla, Yaniri (Business/Community Representative)
Rodriguez, Evelyn (Business/Community Representative)
Rodriguez, Orlando (Business/Community Representative)

Members Absent (Excused):

No one had an excused absence.

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

No one else was present.

Topics Covered:

Country Club Middle School
EESAC Meeting – October 6, 2015


The EESAC meeting commenced at 4:30 PM by Ms. Erika Leon. The first item on the agenda was the review and approval of the minutes from the previous EESAC meeting on September 15th. The minutes were reviewed and a correction was made at the mention of the key points for the 2015 – 2016 SIP. The component of Early Warning Indicators needs to replace “Attendance Review Committee”. Ms. Rodriguez motioned to approve the minutes and Ms. Nodarse seconded the motion.
The second item on the agenda was the presentation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP). Ms. C. Jeffrey, Assistant Principal, presented the 2015 - 2016 SIP. Some of the components include an Action Plan for Improvement, Early Warning Indicators, Incentive Program, and Parental Involvement Plan. Further goals include providing professional development opportunities, exposure to differentiated instruction to students, collaboration of best practices amongst teachers, implement cross-curricular planning for school-wide writing protocol, amongst others. There is an Action Plan for each respective disciple, English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Sciences. Said Action Plan includes barriers and resources, including strategies that will be subject to change as needs surface. A first motion by Ms. E. Leon to accept and vote by the board the School Improvement Plan as written was reached. Ms. Curry-Coffee seconds the motion. Ms. E. Leon asked the EESAC members to vote on the School Improvement Plan and the members voted as follows: Ms. E. Leon, yes; Mr. Heras, yes; Ms. Covone, yes; Ms. Nodarse (Parent Representative), yes; Ms. Kayla Ulpiz (Student Representative), yes; Ms. Rodriguez, yes; Ms. Curry-Coffee, yes; Mr. Fernandez, yes, to approve Country Club Middle School Improvement Plan
The third item on the agenda was the Parental Involvement Plan (PIP). Ms. Jeffrey presented the Parental Involvement Plan portion within the SIP while highlighting input from parents being taken into account when compiling the plan. The Assistant Principal led a discussion on each of the components included in the PIP through precise deliberation and dialogue. Ms. Jeffrey asked if anyone had questions, as well as informed everyone that administration was available to answer questions regarding the Parental Involvement Plan. Ms. E. Rodriguez, Community Representative, mentioned that parental involvement in the school’s activities and services had been a critical component when presenting the Dual Enrollment element; therefore, should be mentioned in the PIP. Those present made no other suggestions for revisions to the components for the Parental Involvement Plan (PIP). EESAC reviewed, voted and approved the Parental Involvement Plan.
Lastly on the agenda was the SIP budget. Mr. Fernandez proposed taking $2,999.00 from the EESAC funds to use for providing incentives to students for achievement. The incentives would include student recognition, awards, and funding for the end-of-the year awards ceremony. In addition Mr. Fernandez requested $300.00 for transportation services to provide mobility to and from MDC to students enrolled in the program. Also, any unused funds and not to exceed $1,000.00 would be employed to purchase Gigabytes for a newly established computer lab or to assist with school operations to ensure fiscal and financial responsibility. A first motion by Ms. E. Leon to accept and vote by the board the approval of monies not to exceed $2,999.00 from EESAC funds to student recognition and incentives was reached. Ms. Nodarse seconds the motion. Ms. E. Leon asked the EESAC members to vote on the proposal and the members voted as follows: Ms. E. Leon, yes; Mr. Heras, yes; Ms. Covone, yes; Ms. Nodarse (Parent Representative), yes; Ms. Kayla Ulpiz (Student Representative), yes; Ms. Rodriguez, yes; Ms. Curry-Coffee, yes; Mr. Fernandez, yes, to approve Country Club Middle School Improvement Plan budget and to transfer the amount of funds not to exceed $2,999.00 from the EESAC to student recognition and incentives. We also voted that any monies remaining would be used to supply students a mode of transportation, Gigabytes for computer updates and provide assistance to ensure school-wide financial and fiscal responsibilities are met. Ms. E. Leon asked the EESAC members to vote on the proposal and the members voted as follows: Ms. E. Leon, yes; Mr. Heras, yes; Ms. Covone, yes; Ms. Nodarse (Parent Representative), yes; Ms. Kayla Ulpiz (Student Representative), yes; Ms. Rodriguez, yes; Ms. Curry-Coffee, yes; Mr. Fernandez, yes. The SIP Budget was approved.
Ms. E. Leon requested final comments, concerns, and/or questions. No comments, concerns, or questions were mentioned. Mr. Fernandez motioned to adjourn the meeting and Mr. A. Heras seconded. The meeting concluded at 5:30 PM.