Educational Excellence
School Advisory Council

7571 International Studies Preparatory Academy

Verified EESAC Meeting Minutes for:    11/13/2018  02:30 PM

Please contact the school for a formatted hard copy of these minutes.

Recording Secretary:    Montserrat Ledo

Location of meeting:    ISPA, 1570 Madruga Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33146

Was a quorum established?    Yes

Was the meeting advertised?    Yes,  11/05/2018


Members Present:

Diaz-Blanco, Alina M (Principal)
Feiler, Mylene (Teacher)
Martinez, Maria (UTD Steward/Teacher)
Alamo, Ana (Teacher/EESAC Chair)
Ledo, Montserrat (Teacher)
Rodriguez, Deana (Alternate Teacher)
Martin, Onelio (Alternate Educational Support)
Bautte, Luisa (Parent)
Lozano, Diana (Parent)
Harrison, Naomi (Business/Community Representative)
Calvo, Tamara (Educational Support Employee)

Members Absent (Excused):

Loucel, Karen (Parent)
Hepworth, Mary (Parent)
Olmos, Ignacio (Student)
Ornia, Pedro (Alternate Student)
Feiler, Mark (Business/Community Representative)
Ledo, Onil (Alternate Parent)

Members Absent (Unexcused):

No one had an unexcused absence.

Others Present:

Pascal, Laura (Alternate Teacher)
Diaz, Felicia (Assistant Principal)
Iglesias, Caridad (Hourly Teacher)
Carrillo, Sabrina (Class Officer)
Garrido, Alejandra (Class Officer)

Topics Covered:

IV. Approval of Minutes from September 11, 2018
- Ms. Feiler made a motion to approve the minutes, and Ms. Alamo seconded the motion.
- Minutes from September 11, 2018 were approved unanimously.

V. Nominations and Vote on EESAC Chairperson
- Ms. Rodriguez resigned as EESAC Chairperson on November 4, 2018 via email.
- Ms. Ledo nominated Ms. Alamo for EESAC Chairperson, Ms. Alamo accepted the nomination.
- Ms. Calvo motioned for a vote for Ms. Alamo to serve as EESAC Chairperson. Ms. Harrison seconded the motion. EESAC unanimously voted for Ms. Alamo as EESAC Chairperson.

VI. School Improvement Plan 2018-2019 & SIP DATA Talks
- Ms. Diaz explained the first quarter of the SIP had been completed. Classroom Walkthroughs were conducted, with an emphasis on SIP goals and objectives.
- Administrative Walkthroughs will be ongoing, as well as data chats with teachers.
- Cross curricular planning has already taken place and will continue to be an area of focus for the school year.
- Use of Collaboration Site to increase communication and collaboration.
- Teachers receive data updates from administration based on POWER BI.

VII. Recruitment Update
- Ignacio Olmos, SGA President, and Pedro Ornia, SGA Vice President will represent ISPA at the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce Educational Breakfast. The breakfast is an opportunity for business and community leaders to network.
- November 8, 2018 ISPA hosted 8th graders from Ada Merritt K-8 Center, Coral Way K-8 Center, and Metropolitan International School. Students toured the school, enjoyed performances from Spirit Squad, the dance team and music program.

VIII. 2017-2018 EESAC Funds Update (Approved 9-11-18)
- Ice Cream Party for Honor Roll Students
- Honor Roll Pins have been ordered

IX. Florida Recognition Distribution Plan/Discussion
- Faculty voted unanimously for Plan A.
- Plan A includes:
2018-2019 Florida Recognition Program
Total Amount Awarded: $35,975
Fringes: $3,709
Student Population (2017-2018) 359.75 students
Total Available for Distribution: $32,266
Plan A
Employee Group Number in Group Amount per Employee Sub-total
Full-time Instructional Staff 25 $1050 $26250
Full-time Non-Instructional Staff 8 $500 $4000
Part-time Instructional staff 4 $400 $1600
Non-Instructional Staff 4 $100 $400
Total 41 $32250

- Ms. Feiler moved to approve faculty approved plan, and Ms. Pascal second the motion.
- Motion was approved.

X. School Boundary Committee
- Dr. Blanco explained that as a magnet school the boundaries do not apply to ISPA, however the appropriate representatives will convene to sign necessary documents.

XI. PTSA Update
- Chipotle Fundraiser was not as successful as in the past.
- Working on PTSA Scholarship
- Location for Gala is still to be determined

XII. New Business
- Mr. Taracido – Teacher of the Year
- Ms. Pascal – Rookie Teacher of the Year

XIII. Adjournment
- Ms. Feiler moved to adjourn the meeting and Ms. Ledo seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:20pm.